
■Long-lasting and stable weeding effect for solar power plants
■Powerful stomatal and soil treatment effects, controlling both weeds that have already grown large and weeds that are about to germinate at the same time.
■Superior Anti-Regeneration and Residual Effects ARSENALl's powerful effects last for an extremely long time, approximately six months to a year. During this time, no other chemicals need to be sprayed or mowed.
■Controls a wide range of weedsIt is highly effective in killing not only annual weeds but also almost all perennial weeds. It is also highly effective against a wide range of broadleaf and grassy weeds, as well as against horsetail, kuzu, Miscanthus sinensis, and Japanese knotweed, which are considered difficult to control.
■Wide range of application periods from early spring when weeds are growing to early fall when weeds are dying and reproductive growth is underway; in other words, any time when weeds are growing can be applied.
■Imazapyr, the environmentally friendly active ingredient in ARSENAL, is a PRTR-free chemical. Moreover, its fish toxicity is class A.