InfiPower is promoting business centered on renewable energy, security systems, and IoT equipment.
The amount of solar energy that reaches the earth's surface is an order of magnitude greater than the amount of energy consumed by humans, and just by installing solar power generation equipment in a small part of the land such as a desert, the amount of energy that exceeds the world's energy demand. is obtained. In addition, resources such as silicon, which are necessary for the manufacture of solar cells, are available in sufficient quantities to supply all of humankind's energy needs, and are virtually limitless.
*FIT/FIP/自家消費 太陽光発電所の開発、運営
防犯、安全の視点から遠隔でどこでも太陽光発電所、農園、資材置場、建設現場などをリアルタイムに監視、管理する必要がありますplease contact us.各現場の分析結果から見ると、センサライトと監視カメラだけでの防犯効果はかなり限られます。外周センサ、即時確認、自動警報、威嚇装置、無停電電源を一つのシステムにすることで有効な防犯対策が確立します。
Company name | Infi Power LLC |
English company name | InfiPower LLC |
Address | Rurier Yokohama Miyagawa-cho #502, 2-55 Miyagawa-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 231-0065 Japan |
Established | December 2012 |
TEL | 045-251-3418 |
FAX | 045-251-3418 |
Capital | ¥8,180,000 |
Business content | 太陽光発電、セキュリティ、IoTシステムの開発・販売 |
Bank | みずほ銀行、神奈川銀行、楽天銀行、住信SBIネット銀行 |