
Kit Contents
- Monocrystal Panel EG-300M60-Cx10枚(3.0KW:1台用)または15枚(4.5KW:2台用)
- HUAWEI 4.95KW PV Inverter SUN2000-4.95KTL-NHL2 ×1
- 3.5SQ CV cable for solar panel connection 100m, MC4 connector x5 sets
- Aluminum alloy, folded-plate roof carport set
- ソーラーパネル固定用金具 x 24セット(1台用)または36セット(2台用)
Since the area is less than 200 ㎡, it is possible to apply for a building permit with a certificate of conformity.
Wind resistance 46m/s
積雪 40㎝
*The values are for reference only. They are not guaranteed values.